Despite having at least a foot of snow, if not more in places, and about 80% of our yard still covered in snow, it is starting to melt. Having spent last weekend down in Salt Lake and Cedar Hills where there is no snow, some of you might find this a bit difficult to imagine. Even the drive into Logan, most places have much less snow than we do. But that is usually the norm at this time of year. The kids played outside and had a great time. By the time they came in they all needed a change of pants, and socks, having soaked through everything. I even opened the windows for quite a while. It was wonderful. After having run the usual activities in the evening, I was coming home and saw the very first flower of the season in the flower bed! Spring really is coming!!
So back to the irony...we woke up this morning to about three inches of snow, and by the looks of the weather, the possibility of more to come today. I just had to laugh. I ventured out and took some pictures for those of you who may have already have forgotten what winter looks like. Please keep in mind the date, March 20th, when you look below. :)
View looking Northwest (normally you can see the mountains)
If you look closely, you can see several other buds.